Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you'll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming ...
Glossaire, Lexique, traduction anglais français informatique: Javascript, lexique anglais français informatique (réseaux, Windows, hardware)
La storia del libro segue una serie di innovazioni tecnologiche che hanno migliorato la qualità di conservazione del testo e l'accesso alle informazioni, la ...
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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research ..
Vol.7, No.3, May, 2004. Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Study on Bilinear Scheme and Application to Three-dimensional Convective Equation (Itaru Hataue and Yosuke ...
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C(2952, 9.691%) C-band ==> Cバンド c contact ==> c C-MACCS,Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation ==> モデル ...
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